If you’ve never had your bathtub resurfaced you might not know the right questions to ask during the estimate process, or the right information to provide. Bathtub resurfacing services vary in price across the DMV area so it is important to know a bit about your bathtub since they will be asking you questions. For the most accurate estimate the company may ask you to send in pictures but here are some common questions that bathtub resurfacing companies ask their clients during the estimate process. We ask these same questions from our residential clients in order to gain a better understanding of their project, and to provide the most transparent estimate possible.
Bathtubs come in all shapes and sizes depending on the age of the home. The most common bathtub is standard size, which is about 5 x 3, and it will more often than not have three tile walls surrounding it. There are also clawfoot tubs, soaking tubs, jacuzzis, and fiberglass one-piece surrounds which don’t technically qualify as “standard size.” The size of the bathtub will determine the cost of work and the length of time it will need to be completed. But the cure time will be the same no matter the size of the bathtub. It is important for the refinishing professional to know the type of tub being resurfaced, that way they can accurately tell you how long the project will take. If you are unsure if the type of bathtub in your home it may be beneficial to send some pics to your refinishing professional
If the bathtub has been resurfaced before than it will need to be chemically stripped of that old finish. If this is the case with your tub then it will add about an hour to your project and most likely a stripping fee. If you bought your home from another owner then you may not know what they did to the tub during their time there. Some tell tale signs that the tub has been previously resurfaced will be…
Even if this resurfacing company is not assisting you with the other renovations in your bathroom or kitchen it is important to let them know. It is typically recommended that the bathtub (or anything being resurfaced) should be done last in the renovation project. That way the new surface can’t be damaged by dropped tools or other contractors. Most resurfacing companies will offer a warranty on the work. If you are completing other projects in the bathroom ask your resurfacing professional what the warranty covers. It could save you a headache and some return visits to touch up the tub.
Most people have a straightforward reason for wanting to get their tub resurfaced…
Whatever the reason, it may be valuable information for the resurfacing company. It can allow them to work around your move-out date, or recommend some services that could make your bathroom look like new without having anything replaced.